The Most Interesting Mormon in the World

Release Date

Melissa Parker found herself in a bit of a pickle. The annual Los Angeles LDS Singles Film Festival was upon us, her movies were shot, but she didn’t have anyone to edit them. When she asked me to help, she seemed to think I was doing her a favor. It was such a delight to work on, though, with Corbin Frost, the director, sitting behind me tweaking my cut, that I think she had it absolutely backwards. What a delightful project. This was the first of the two movies Corbin directed that we churned out.

Episode Guide

Episode 1 On the Mission
Episode 2 St. John and the Three Nephites
Episode 3 Eagle Scout Project
Episode 4 On Hanging Out
Episode 5 On DTRs
Director Corbin Frost
Producer Melissa Adrina Parker
Writer Melissa Adrina Parker, Corbin Frost
Director of Photography Duncan Rawlings
Editor Matthew C. S. Julander
Most Interesting Mormon Adam Johnson
Narrator Keith Paugh
Eavesdropper Victor Vaile
Investigator Martha Howe
Missionary Companion Brandon Standford
Toddler Justin Plewe
Wife Trina Talbot
Monk Amery Ken Thao
Pretty Girls Stefani Batson, Trina Talbot
Other Crew
Production Designer Kenny McNett
Composer Laurel Bogner Plewe
Co-Producer Orchid Cameron
Costumers Stefani Batson, Martha Howe, Julie Hinton
Sound Recorder Meghan Stettler
Grip/Electric Curtis Bridenstine, Mike Hammari
Production Assistant Kelly Flanagan