Show Category: Producing

  • Fund Duel: Putting the Fun Back in Fundraising

    This is the full version of a commercial I made for a new fundraising website called Fund Duel ( I was given the stipulation that we wanted to use a pair of honest to goodness Sumo wrestlers in the video, given that our CEO had met someone from USA Sumo and formed a relationship. I… Read more »

  • Fund Duel: Putting the Fun Back in Fundraising (1 min)

    This is the one-minute version of a commercial I made for a new fundraising website called Fund Duel ( I was given the stipulation that we wanted to use a pair of honest to goodness Sumo wrestlers in the video, given that our CEO had met someone from USA Sumo and formed a relationship. I… Read more »

  • Frank Buxton, Supernatural Exterminator

    We shot this comedy about a vampire hunter on my Sony FS700 with an Odyssey 7Q+. Starring Nicolas Brady, Julie Hinton and Jordon Sorenson

  • Intrusion

    This short won the Los Angeles YSA/MSA Film Festival in 2015. I shot it at the home of the lead actress, Julie Hinton over four or five evenings starting when darkness had fallen and ending when we grew too tired to keep going. The camera was a Sony FS700 with an Odyssey 7Q. The lights… Read more »

  • Granny’s Day Out

    This was my favorite of my Red4D Productions collaborations with Kevin Redford. We came up with the idea while sitting in his apartment. We had been brainstorming for a couple of hours when he got up to get something from the kitchen. In the few minutes that he was gone, I sketched out the entire… Read more »

  • The Many Adventures of Roger’s Genuine Corinthian Leather Wallet

    This was my senior project back in film school. It was mostly the brainchild of its director, Brandon Sawyer, but it was nice of him to let me tag along for the ride.