Show Category: Featured

  • Hope Humanitarian – a Baby Named Tamer

  • Hope Humanitarian – Bangladesh Expedition – October 2018

    I accompanied Hope Humanitarian on an expedition to help the Rohingya refugees who were driven out of their homes in Myanmar and now live in camps in Bangladesh. I shot a lot of video while there, and created this video for both Hope and for a fundraising company (for whom I work, at the time… Read more »

  • Maz Jobrani for International Medical Corps

  • David Koechner for International Medical Corps

  • Fund Duel: Putting the Fun Back in Fundraising

    This is the full version of a commercial I made for a new fundraising website called Fund Duel ( I was given the stipulation that we wanted to use a pair of honest to goodness Sumo wrestlers in the video, given that our CEO had met someone from USA Sumo and formed a relationship. I… Read more »

  • Fred

    The multi-talented Mark Needle, an actor who has appeared in a number of the Christmas Barrel sketches I have shot, asked me to come on board his own short as DP. It was something of a departure for me, as I seem to always end up shooting some sort of contrasty, film noir look. This… Read more »

  • Jessica Alba Gets Honest About Being A Boss And Motherhood

    This is a second video that was cut together by Architectural Digest from the behind-the-scenes footage I shot for Los Angeles photographer Dani Brubaker at Jessica Alba’s Honest Company in Playa Vista, California. For the first one, click here.

  • A Sneak Peek into Jessica Alba’s Honest Haven

    I occasionally work as a lighting technician for a fashion photographer named Dani Brubaker. Dani had me bring the video rig on this caper, and I shot a lot of B-roll of Jessica Alba’s Honest Company offices in Playa Vista for an editorial in Architectural Digest Magazine. The funnest moment for me was right before… Read more »

  • Frank Buxton, Supernatural Exterminator

    We shot this comedy about a vampire hunter on my Sony FS700 with an Odyssey 7Q+. Starring Nicolas Brady, Julie Hinton and Jordon Sorenson

  • Skins Sketch – Episode 4

    Skins Sketch, if it wasn’t obvious, is a web series of comedy sketches written and produced by Native Americans. The introductory music was provided by Well Hung Heart. A special thanks goes out to Hamilton High School in Los Angeles, California, that let us keep shooting in their classrooms and offices. We needed to be… Read more »

  • Wave – This Is Who I Am

    Episode 6 of Ian Skorodin’s web series Wave, starring Noah Watts, Dana Hunt, Kristen Pickrell, Amanda Greig, and Keith Saltojanes, from

  • Wave – Spring Break

    Episode 5 of Ian Skorodin’s web series Wave, starring Noah Watts, Dana Hunt, Kristen Pickrell, Amanda Greig, Matthew Stumphy and Keith Saltojanes. From

  • Gary, Ted & Bob Meet Santa

    This was my favorite film from the 2015 season of Christmas Barrel. We had a very limited crew on this one, and were lucky that friends let us shoot late into the night in their living room. We shot on my Sony FS700 with my Odyssey 7Q, and lit with my LED fresnels. The moving… Read more »

  • How to Make Candy Canes

    Logan’s Candies, in Ontario, California, does live demonstrations while they make their various confections. We caught up with them during their run up to Christmas 2015, and were able to film the way they make candy canes. Shot on the Sony FS700 with Odyssey 7Q.

  • Christmas Time Hacks

    We shot this Christmas Barrel video over the course of a couple of days at several locations and with a lot of props. We never did get the sluice of candy falling through the stocking to work properly, so Mike had to do it in post, but otherwise, we were fairly happy with the results…. Read more »

  • Jew in Choctaw Country – Episode 7 & 8

    This is one of my favorite collaborations with Ian Skorodin. Jew in Choctaw Country is another one of Ian’s black comedy web series, but this one has portions set in the present day, and other parts set a generation ago. His vision called for a good bit of hand-held camera work, but also required us… Read more »

  • Wave – Piss Jumpers

    Episode 3 of Wave saw us bringing a live band to play in what was actually the lunch room at Hamilton High School. We suspended LED panel lights from the ceiling using scissor clamps, and shot Kino Divas in from the side. Our lead actor, Noah Watts, is a fantastic guitar player (check out his… Read more »

  • Intrusion

    This short won the Los Angeles YSA/MSA Film Festival in 2015. I shot it at the home of the lead actress, Julie Hinton over four or five evenings starting when darkness had fallen and ending when we grew too tired to keep going. The camera was a Sony FS700 with an Odyssey 7Q. The lights… Read more »

  • Wave – The Turn Around

    This was the second episode in the Wave series for (a far more scandalous sounding name than it actually is…it’s a Native American movie website). We shot a great deal of this (and the previous episode for that matter) inside a film school that had its own sound stage and several sets. Other locations… Read more »

  • I’m So So Sorry, Santa

    Considered by many to be one of our more warped videos on Christmas Barrel, this music video features music and a head from a guy called Dan Riley, and the body of a little girl named Lux. Mike Hammari provided the sometimes rudimentary compositing, and suddenly we have a very creepy little boy apologizing to… Read more »