Category: Theater
Neil Simon’s Fools
This was another bit of community theater I got to participate in. The same crew that produced Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night brought it about. You may notice a trend: I was once again cast as the villain–this time the nefarious Count Gregor Yousekevitch. Cathy Hoyt was once again our illustrious director. Here is the full cast… Read more »
William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
I acted in a community theater production of William Shakespeare’s popular comedy Twelfth Night. We put the show on 4 times, starting on the 12th of September, and running every Friday and Saturday night until the 20th. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I was cast as Malvolio, the closest thing in the show to a villain. In something… Read more »
Two Gentlemen of Verona
My dear friend Julie Hinton directed a production of Shakespeare’s Two Gentlemen of Verona. She had me play one of the two fools, Launce. We did two runs, one performed inside the Westside Presbyterian Church in February, and the other inside of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Santa Monica 2nd Ward… Read more »
The Scarlet Pimpernel
I managed to get myself involved in a play this Spring. I had notions of trying to direct a play myself (Shakespeare’s Twelth Night was the leading contender), only to discover that someone else was ramping up to do this one, and would probably be pulling from the same pool of actors that I would… Read more »